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fmSyntaxColorizer Help

This is the help page for fmSyntaxColorizer.

To get started

Just click [Colorize!]

To check you now have color, click [Examples] and look in the scripts in the script editor.

Note: Once you have colorized your FileMaker experience, you don't need to

open fmSyntaxColorizer again - unless you want to change the colors again. 

If you don't have the latest MBS-Plugin

  1. Click [Check Plugin]
  2. Download the MBS-Plugin from the Monkeybread Software Website.
  3. Follow the installation instructions from there.
  4. Once installed restart fmSyntaxColorizer

To change a color

  1. Go to the [Syntax] list. (Command-2)
  2. Right-click in the color box, then select Text Color and then the color you want.

To reassign a command to a new color-group

  1. Go to the [Syntax] list. (Command-2)
  2. Click in the color name field and select a new color group.

To create a new color group (direct from the Syntax List)

  1. Go to the [Syntax] list. (Command-2)
  2. Click in the color name field of the Syntax tag you wish to colorize.
  3. Select ++New++, edit the name for the color group, if necessary, and press [OK].
  4. Right-click in the color box, then select Text Color and then the color you want.

To add and remove syntax commands from colorization

  1. Go to the [Syntax] list. (Command-2)
  2. Click in the Add column to turn an entry on or off.
  3. alternatively select the [Add all] or [Remove all] buttons to change all found records.

To turn off/on ALL SyntaxColorizing

  1. Return to the Home Page (Command-1)
  2. Press the [Disable] button to turn SyntaxColorizing off, or
  3. Press the [Enable] buttonto turn SyntaxColorizing on.

To add a new *wildcard* syntax

  1. Go to the [Syntax] list. (Command-2)
  2. Press [New]
  3. Enter the word or phrase you want to coloriize between asterisks, e.g.: *example*
  4. Associate the entry with a color
  5. You should see in the MBS Plugin results column, that the tag was added OK.

...more help coming a bit later :-) 

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